Entry 5: Using Podcast and Digital Storytelling in Language Learning

Assalamualaikum and a very good day again everyone. This is my fifth entry and I am going to talk about podcast. In recent class, I learned that with using podcast and digital story telling can aid students in improving and achieve something in language learning. 

First of all, let I give the definition of podcast. Podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. Students can listen to existing podcast anywhere via application such as soundcloud. They even can make their own podcast by recording and publish it on soundcloud for free. Students can choose any genres that they like and listen them anywhere. By listening to the podcast, they might improve their language efficiency.  For your information, I had been given a task which is I need to make may own podcast and post it on my blog. At the end of my blog I will leave a link to my podcast. I hope all of you will enjoy it.

What can you do to make your own podcast? First of all, you need a electronic device that can record such as smartphones or audio recorder. Nowadays, we have online audio recorder that are available online and free. Besides, after they record their podcast, they can edit the audio using audacity. It is an application that  assist people to edit their recording to make it more quality and clearer. Finally, students can post their podcast in YouTube, iTunes or soundcloud for people around the world to listen.

As conclusion, podcast can give positive impacts towards language learning process. Due to the blooming of technologies, students can take best opportunity to learn more about language for free. I belief most of you have your own smartphone. So, it is just you to make your own step to listen to quality podcast  and hopefully make you a better language learner. 

Link to my podcast: https://soundcloud.com/muhammad-emir-dean/diabetes


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